Friday, March 11, 2011

Fatal Distraction by Emmi Fredericks

I must say, reading all the YA books lately has kind of gotten me out of the mood of my chick lit books. Or else, maybe I don't have as many that are as great as ones I've had in the past.

This was an okay book. But it wasn't one that I couldn't put down. I kept it for when I took bubble baths, and sometimes, unless I had the Nook, I might read something else instead because it just wasn't as good as other things I was reading.

The main character in the book, Eliza, is a celebraholic, and not only that, she wants to be famous, even if the only way for her to do that is through her friends' fame. Her friend Dinah gets in trouble with the law, and Eliza thinks she will become famous by saving the day in court for her. Her friend Danny is an actor, he's extremely attractive, but actually not a very good actor. She wants to help get him famous though, on a tv show or in a movie, so she can ride along on his coat tails.

Her plans and machinations get both her friends upset with her. And at one time they get really irritated with her celebrity obssession and she tries to quit.

Now, one thing I didn't like, is that she works for a publishing company, yet hates it. I think it would be so cool! To read manuscripts all day? That sounds like my dream job. I want to be a writer, but don't quite think I have the talent for it, so being in publishing and getting to be paid to real all the time woulc be heaven for me.

There was some humor in it, so there were some funny parts, and as I said, it wasn't horrible, just not my cup of tea.